Peoples Prescriptions - Health Watch Kirklees
Life is busy and the reality is that it will only get busier. We are not magically going to wake up one day and say “yes finally life is easy – I have nothing to do…” Nope, maybe in our dreams but never in reality.
This is why as a dancer and wellbeing officer I like to be real, there are no short cuts to good health, we must take charge by prioritising taking care of ourselves. Here’s how to add a little bit of dance into your lives, whether you do it at home or in a community setting. It’s a great way to get rid of those winter blues and it’s beneficial for your body inside and out.
Prescription for: The In-house Dancer
Diagnosis: Thinks that they have two left feet!
Symptoms: You shy away indoors, especially when it’s cold. The thought of stepping out into your first dance class brings fear and anxiety and just feels too intimidating. I hear this all the time; everyone feels more comfortable to just dance around without a care in the world within their own 4 walls.
Self-care Secret: Do you know what? Nobody cares if you have two left feet. One thing that I have learned from being a dancer and teaching in the community is that dance groups are very supportive, and everyone is there to have fun. Most people feel the same as you do but once you let go of that initial feeling of intimidation and begin to enjoy just moving together in a safe space with like-minded people you feel empowered. So, get yourself booked on to that class!! Once you hear the music, your feet start tapping away and you realise that you’re smiling because you love the song – In that moment you are dancing your troubles away.
Dosage: One class per week initially to get you out of the house.
Prescription for: The Scared Dancer
Diagnosis: I have social anxiety!
Symptoms: You are not comfortable being around people in spaces where you feel like you are on show. You want to dance, you enjoy dancing but do not feel as though you are good enough to do this in front of other as you feel as though you may be judged.
Self-care Secret: I feel you… I still feel this sometimes now as a 40-year-old dancer when I go to take classes in London. I would suggest taking your time and work yourself up to actually stepping into a class slowly. This could be by firstly doing a class online. If you know the instructor of the class you would like to take there will always be some of their content online. Familiarise yourself with the teacher and how they teach as you can get a sense of their vibe. Dance can help you to find your voice and help you to over come your social anxiety. Dance is in the moment which causes you to be mindful. Listen to how your body reacts, the boost of endorphins will create a feeling of happiness and enjoyment and in time this will calm your anxiety.
Dosage: 2-3 times per week. Find a YouTube channel, Facebook or Instagram page to follow – SS Dance & Wellbeing have lots of content available to view and face-to-face classes to attend in person when you are ready.
Prescription: The Summer Mover
Diagnosis: I don’t exercise during winter.
Symptoms: You are that highly motivated person who loves to be out and about being active during the summer. Going for walks, a run in the park or Fitness Dance Fusion on a summery Monday evening. You enjoy being out in the sunshine and prefer it when it’s light on an evening. But as soon as it comes to the winter chills, you hibernate, and your motivation becomes low!
Self-care Secret: As Mother Nature hits us with a blast of winter it’s important to realise there maybe a decline in your mood – This is normal. The key is to try not to let it change your routine. Small doses of being active in this season are a great way to inspire that positive mood to surface. If there’s a song that you like that reminds you of the summer vibes put that on as you drive or listen to it via your earphones as you walk to your class, the gym or are out on a run. Try to get yourself in the zone before you get there. Music and dance are uplifting, so listen more and take part more. Don’t let the cold winter blues get you down - Think about the benefits of being active, you will feel happier, and healthier and if it’s one of SS Dance & Wellbeing classes that you attend – you will always leave with a smile on your face.
Dosage: 30 minutes of physical activity per day, 5 times a week.

Class Dates and Times
Dance Fusion 50+
- Bramley Community Centre, Waterloo Lane, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 2JB
- Monday
- 10:00 - 11:00
- Older Peoples Health Initiative
Fitness DANCE Fusion Birstall
- Birstall Community Centre, Market Street, Birstall, WF17 9EN
- Monday
- 19:15 - 20:00
- Active Communities
Dance On - Yorkshire Dance Project
- The United Reformed Church, Nestfield Road, Belle Isle, Leeds, LS10 3LG
- Tuesday
- 09:45 - 10:45
- Older Peoples Health
Active Workplace Dance Fitness
- Huddersfield Royal Infirmary, Education Centre, Sub-Basement
- Tuesday
- 17:30 - 18:15
- Active workplace Initiative
Fitness DANCE Fusion Dewsbury
- TransformHer LFG, 1st Floor, Headfield Mills, Cardwell Terrace, Dewsbury, WF12 9NP
- Wednesday
- 09:30 - 10:15
- Active Communities
Dance On - Yorkshire Dance Project
- Mantaugu Burton Resource Centre, Banstead Road, Leeds, LS8 5RU
- Wednesday
- 11:45 - 12:45
- Older Peoples Health Initiative
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